Municipal Lien Certificates

A Municipal Lien Certificate is a legal document that lists all unpaid taxes, assessments, and utility charges on a particular parcel. All requests must contain a parcel number, the property location, and the current owner's name. A self-addressed stamped envelope must be sent with the request. If you do not know the parcel number it can be obtained from the Assessor's Office (413-587-1200). The municipality has 10 business days from the date of receipt of the request to provide the Municipal Lien Certificate. The normal turnaround time is 3 to 5 days. The fee for both residential and commercial certificates is $50 per parcel. Municipal Lien Certificates are usually requested by an attorney's office prior to the sale or refinancing of the property for the protection of the property owners. The customary practice is for the certificate to be filed at the Hampshire County Registry of Deeds after the closing. Please click on the links below for additional important information and for a request form.

New Property Owners - Massachusetts General Law requires that the assessed owner as of January 1 of each calendar year be on the tax bill. It takes time for the new deed to reach the Assessor's Office from the Registry of Deeds and for the new owner's name to appear on the tax bill. Therefore, it is essential for new property owners to contact the Treasurer/Collector's Office to find out the mailing and due dates of future bills. This will avoid the possibility of additional interest, penalty charges, or a possible lien being placed on the property if taxes are not paid because the new owner did not receive the bill. Failure to receive a bill does not affect the validity of the bill.