KYC Declaration Form - Standard Chartered Bank

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DECLARATION BY INDIVIDUALS/JOINT ACCOUNT HOLDERS Date: To, Standard Chartered Bank, KYC Cell, No.19, Rajaji Salai, Chennai Dear Sir, Please affix your recent photograph and sign across it Ref: My Account number/s: If you are an existing Credit Card or Loan Account holder, please mention numbers of those accounts as well: I_____________________________________________________ Account Holder / Power of Attorney of___________________________ ________________________________ (Account Holder) hereby declare that the information given below, with respect to my above mentioned bank account/s is true and correct. I also confirm that the attached photograph and the copies of identification documents are presently valid and true verification documents for myself. Residential Address: Mailing Address Yes No State Office Address: Mailing Address Yes No City Pin Code State City Pin Code Mailing Address (if different from the above address): State City Pin Code Nationality Date of Birth Pan Number Residential Phone Number (along with area code) Office Phone Number (along with area code) Mobile E-Mail ID 1) Are you a salaried person: Yes If yes, please provide name of Employer No If not salaried, please tick as appropriate: Precious Stones & Metals Jewellery Business Rough Diamonds Luxury Goods Real Estate Arms Business Auction Houses Bullion Trader Other, please mention the name and nature of your business/profession