Ceez acts like bloom

Ceez is an Epic Force Attack Champion from the Ogryn Tribes Faction. He is a good damage dealer when going through early-mid game PVE content, and Faction Wars. His usefulness greatly decreases in late-game content.

Should I book Ceez?

What gear should Ceez use?

What are the best stats for Ceez?

Stat End Game Mid Game Early Game
Crit. Rate 100% 100% 100%
Crit. Damage 210 160 120
Attack 4.5k 3.1k 2.4k

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Profile Stats Rankings

Ceez Masteries

<a href=raid shadow legends masteries" />

Hero Skills

Snicker and Slice Night of the Bat (Cooldown: 4) Swarming Suffering (Cooldown: 4) Gimme! (Passive)

Steals 15% of the Turn Meter from the enemy with the highest Turn Meter at the end of this Champion's turn. This effect cannot be resisted.