Engineering & Planning

The Engineering/Planning Department provides current technical information available regarding Zoning, Town Districts, Town owned utilities and roadway systems, FEMA Flood Zone mapping, and NYSDEC Wetland Mapping. The Town’s Engineering/Planning Department reviews new developments and coordinates with Town, County, and State Agencies. The Engineering Department also participates with public works projects involving drainage, sanitary sewers, sidewalks rehabilitation or reconstruction projects. We respond to public complaints related to new or current developments under construction.

The Town’s Engineering Department conducts field inspections on all new developments in the Town and administers Capital Improvement Projects.

Frequently Asked Questions

Utility work damaged my lawn. When will my lawn restoration be completed?

The initial rough grading will be done soon after the necessary underground utility corrections are made. Due to the nature of the work and allowing time for ground settlement, the final restoration may not be completed until weather conditions or seasonal restrictions allow. Rest assured that the final restoration will be completed on all Town controlled projects.

Category: Engineering & Planning How can I obtain a copy of the Street and/or Zoning Map?

The Street map can be purchased at the Town Clerk’s Office and the Zoning Map can be purchased in the Building Department. Note that these copies are in black and white. Interactive town GIS maps and select PDFs are available on the town maps page. Documents relating to the town code are available by visiting the link below.