Cubic Feet Per Minute (CFM) is a measurement of airflow volume, determined by how many cubic feet of air pass by a stationary point in one minute. Larger homes circulate more air (since there’s more space for it to move around), so they will have a higher CFM.

Why is CFM important?

Having an accurate estimate of your home’s CFM is key to choosing an HVAC system with the right capacity for your space and needs. Too much or too little airflow can negatively impact your system performance and even cause damage to its components.

Determining the appropriate capacity

A qualified HVAC dealer will calculate your home’s CFM and take into account various factors such as the number of windows you have, what type of climate you live in, and even your family’s temperature preferences to determine the appropriate system capacity. An experienced Lennox® Dealer will be able to recommend a home comfort system that can not only improve your family’s comfort, but also help lower your utility bills.